The Works of the English Poets: Congreve and FentonH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Страница 11
... thofe lips , which he no more must kifs , And cold that bofom , once all downy blifs ; On whofe foft pillows , lull'd in fweet delights , He us'd , in balmy fleep , to lofe the nights . Ah ! Ah ! where is all that love and fondnefs fled ...
... thofe lips , which he no more must kifs , And cold that bofom , once all downy blifs ; On whofe foft pillows , lull'd in fweet delights , He us'd , in balmy fleep , to lofe the nights . Ah ! Ah ! where is all that love and fondnefs fled ...
Страница 17
... pour'd whole war on the rebellious brood ; Who , tumbling headlong from th ' empyreal skies , O'erwhelm'd thofe hills , by which they thought to rife . C Mars Mars on the gods did then his aid bestow , ON THE TAKING OF NAMUR . 17.
... pour'd whole war on the rebellious brood ; Who , tumbling headlong from th ' empyreal skies , O'erwhelm'd thofe hills , by which they thought to rife . C Mars Mars on the gods did then his aid bestow , ON THE TAKING OF NAMUR . 17.
Страница 32
... Thofe lips , where in furprize of blifs they rove ; For ne'er before did angels tafte So exquifite a feast , Of mufic and of love . Prepare then , ye immortal choir , Each facred minstrel tune his lyre , And with her voice in chorus ...
... Thofe lips , where in furprize of blifs they rove ; For ne'er before did angels tafte So exquifite a feast , Of mufic and of love . Prepare then , ye immortal choir , Each facred minstrel tune his lyre , And with her voice in chorus ...
Страница 34
... Thofe hands , th ' inhuman authors of his woes ; Thofe hands , whofe unrelenting force had coft Much of his blood ( for many fons he loft ) . But , as a wretch who has a murder done , And , feeking refuge , does from juftice run ...
... Thofe hands , th ' inhuman authors of his woes ; Thofe hands , whofe unrelenting force had coft Much of his blood ( for many fons he loft ) . But , as a wretch who has a murder done , And , feeking refuge , does from juftice run ...
Страница 36
... thofe hands which have my children slain . ” He fpake . Now fadness o'er Achilles ' face appears , Priam he views , and for is father fears ; That , and compaffion melt him into tears . Then , gently with his hand he put away Old ...
... thofe hands which have my children slain . ” He fpake . Now fadness o'er Achilles ' face appears , Priam he views , and for is father fears ; That , and compaffion melt him into tears . Then , gently with his hand he put away Old ...
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Amyntas arms beauteous beauty blefs breaſt bright caufe charms cry'd Dæmon dear defire deſpair earth eaſe Epode Ev'n eyes face facred fafe faid fair fame fate fear feas feek feems feen fenfe fhade fhall fhining fhould fighs fight filent fing fire firft firſt fix'd flain flowers flowing tears foft fome fong foon forrow foul fpring freſh ftill ftrait fuch fudden fung fure fwain fweet goddeſs gods grace grief grove heart heaven himſelf honour Jove laft lament laſt lefs light lov'd lyre maid moft moſt mourn Mufe muft Muſe muſt ne'er numbers nymph o'er Otreus paffion Phaon Phoebus Pindar plain pleafing pleaſe pleaſure praiſe Priam Procris purſued rage raiſe reft rife Sappho ſhall ſhe ſkies ſpread ſtate ſtill ſtreams tears tender thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou Venus verfe weeping Whilft whofe Whoſe youth